If you own a business or help chair up an organization, you’re probably aware of how important it is to have a good website these days. Since the internet has been around, it has only been getting more important by the day and even increased in importance with the advent of smartphones and mobile responsive web design.
In fact, according to Google approximately 61% of users won’t come back to a poorly designed mobile site and 40% of them will go to a competitor. Therefore, it is imperative that whenever you are seeking web hosting services or other online essentials for your business that you plan on making sure your website is mobile responsive. Fewer customers are reaching websites through traditional laptops these days, so it is more timely than ever to check on these things.
In this brief article, we’ll touch on some reasons why having a good mobile design can help increase your business’ organic reach. Not just by increasing search engine optimization, but by all the little tips and tricks that only a good digital marketing company can give you. From where to optimally host your website to crafting amazing web design, it’s well worth the effort to invest in working with one.
The number one reason to have a mobile responsive website is that more customers than ever are using mobile devices. In 2019, 57% of all web traffic came from mobile devices and that number only increases each year. Just like how you might want to change web hosting services if your provider isn’t working out, so will your customers if you don’t give them responsive design.
One of the larger benefits of having responsive design is that the website loads quicker, regardless of device. In an age where attention span is everything, getting people to come to your website (and then stay on it) can mean everything. If they have to wait for it to load or render in any way, it is almost guaranteed that they will leave. The real question is, which one of your competitors will they go to?
Websites that are cleverly designed, hosted by excellent web hosting services, and mobile responsive simply give better browsing experiences. From the colors to the speed, you want to “wow” your customers from their very first impression of you and then keep them as long as possible. Just like how wearing nice clothes or keeping a clean yard can be crucial toward making a good first impression, the same thing applies to a website for your business or organization.
When you have a good responsive mobile design, many of the links are clickable and easily placed. Especially if you’ve been working with a competent and professional web design services company. By making everything easy to find and read, especially your contact information, you literally make it easier for your customers to contact you and reach out with any problems before they ditch to go somewhere else.
Responsive websites, especially on mobile devices, are highly share-able and easy to distribute through text messages or social media networks. As if this didn’t make it easy enough, responsive websites are great for search engine optimization and tend to show up much easier in search results than websites that do not have these qualities. When you’re able to reach people easier, it’s far easier to spread your message.
At the end of the day, perhaps the only reason you need for why your website should be responsive and mobile-ready is that it’s the entire package. Not only will you rank higher in terms of search engines and other optimization rankings, but your customers will intrinsically rate your website higher. When your website loads faster and across all devices, everyone will be happy. Especially you, because you’ll be spreading the word about your product or service.
Don’t delay in creating your perfect mobile website. There are many wonderful and competent web design companies, web hosting services, and other professionals that would love to make your dream a reality. The sooner your start, the faster you’ll get results!
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