South Made reviewing website analytics on a computerr

5 Common Reasons for Low Website Traffic

Today, many people and businesses rely on the internet to grow and stay afloat. Everyone uses some form of social media for a number of reasons. A website is a great tool to use when searching for something on the internet. Websites vary in aesthetics, functionality, and size. Smaller sites struggle to get a consistent…

4 Changes to Facebook and Instagram

We talk about what’s new with social media marketing often, and of course, it’s happened once again. There have been some big changes to Instagram this past month, similar in significance to the summer 2021 changes to Instagram. Will these changes impact how your business performs? Maybe. As we head into Spring we look at…

South Made optimizing social media profile on an iphone

How to Improve Your Social Media Presence

It is no secret that social media has had a major impact on how people interact with one another. It seems like everyone is online these days, and for a good reason. There are plenty of benefits to be found. However, if you want to improve your business’s social media presence, it’s not always easy…

Designing graphics for a responsive web design

How Often Should You Redesign Your Website?

When seeking web design services, you want to make your business life easy. Often, a website upgrade can evoke a feeling of overwhelming dread. How often should you upgrade? What kinds of elements should you include? Ideally, to stay competitive and relevant, you should do a complete redesign of your website every two to three…

South Made reviewing social media posts on phone and computer

Top Social Media Trends Every Business Should Know

Social media has become a necessary tool for any business to employ — and not only because it’s the quickest way to reach customers. It’s also an excellent way to build your brand, establish yourself as an authority in your field, and even manage customer service issues. However, many businesses (and individuals) still don’t fully…